Monday, May 17, 2010

Things I can do now . . . week 7

We love to go and visit Donny at work and wear all our cute things, like this hat. Of course she likes to sleep when we are there and no one believes us that she actually makes noise or fusses.

Maddie loves to look super cute in all her new outfits. She also doesn't mind getting her picture taken, which is a good thing since I take her picture everyday! I have to keep you all updated.

Maddie also doesn't mind sharing her toys with the other animals in house. Nike doesn't care about the potential "edibles" dangling from the thing he just wants to lay on it because the rug is far too uncomfortable.
Maddie also loves to play and sit in the Bumbo chair. Maddie likes the be able to look around at everything and everyone. She also loves to put a vice grip on her rattle and fling that around too. Sometimes we can't get it out of her hand and she either tries to eat it or has to hold it while she is eating.

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