Thursday, December 22, 2011

Week 36

So maybe I have been slacking a little on the whole pregnancy post front since I don’t know if I have even done one til now and its 36 weeks. Oh well. As far as the doctors appointment went, I am 1cm and measured 40 weeks! That’s right – 4 weeks ahead, no wonder I feel huge. Baby is head down, which I appreciate, although the foot to ribs jabs are sometimes a little painful. I do, however, have a picture from when I was 39 weeks preggers with Maddie to compare to how I am now at 36 weeks (measuring 40).
    39 Weeks with Maddie                                36 Weeks with #2

So obviously not the best comparison but it will have to do. And, I have no idea why my arm wasn’t in the picture the first time so I just did it again to compare.  What do you think . . . boy or girl??

Picture at 36 weeks with #2 again.

1 comment:

  1. I say boy, but I am ALWAYS wrong. Maybe you will help me end my losing streak though! :-)



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