Friday, December 10, 2010

Donny’s Company Christmas Party

Those of you who know Donny will laugh at this post. Everything that Donny does at work is “super confidential” like, “Kathryn, I’m being serious here.” So, his company Christmas part was super confidential and I cannot show any pictures that might show anybody's anything. So, since everything is so confidential here is the one pic I can show you. And, I think think it is pretty super cute!


…and yes she wore her tutu at said party (that one was for you Donny!)

1 comment:

  1. Kathryn, you weren't supposed to tell that she wore her tutu!! bahahaha I literally just about peed my pants reading that. On a side note...did Maddie wear a shirt with that tutu, I know she's a baby and all, but that might be inappropriate :) Oh Donny how we love you!!



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