Tonight we had our “final” small group get together at the park. And by small I mean there were 25+, reminiscent of The Homeplace post. We ate, and then ate some more, and then ate dessert and then us with kiddos made our way to the playground. Somewhere in there was talk of pull-ups and something about Emily Dowdy exclaiming she could do one . . . at this time I said “don’t you dare do a pull-up until I have my camera.” Emily, yes I will email you hard copies of these photos because chances are you want them.
Here’s how we roll . . .
The official pull-up only to later be over-ruled and be judged a chin up. In her defense even Donny lurking in the background was impressed.
So . . . Chris took Emily to the official pull-up bar and said that’s where real pull-ups were done. Chris said he could do thirty eight, none of which were witnessed nor documented.
The “real” pull up.
Talk about making the most out of your marriage.
And the pull-ups kept a comin’
Lincoln, a pull-up for the team, no? Ok.
Emery and Brad were onlookers to the action. Brad said he could do pull-ups but something about his “shoulder” and a “sling” held him back.
So apparently aside from a couple other pictures, it was the Dowdy show in the playground which is ok because I may have subtly suggested to Dustin to take some/tens of pictures of Maddie, so it all works out.
I love, love, our “small” group and I’m going to miss our weekly get togethers. Although, I just check my email and I’m pumped to see we have already scheduled our next cookout – chocolate chip cake anyone?
Okay, I commented on this last night and now its gone I think?? I'm no good at blogs!!